
On a perfectly normal day in Boonieville, the crowd for the dumpster fight had arrived early and was impatiently awaiting the match between Mike the 3rd and Bob. The owners of the pit fighting ring at the dump, Remus and Sandy, were feeling uneasy since it was the first fight without any snacks for the audience. As the bell rang, the crowd erupted in cheers. After trading a few quick jabs, two minutes into the fight, Mike pulled his signature move and ripped Bob's ear off.

"Serves ya dam’ right, ya opossum eater!" yelled Jen-Jeanie. As one of Mike's biggest fans, she couldn't resist taunting Bob, who had recently also resorted to eating opossums.

Tensions have been running high around Boonieville lately, mostly due to the extreme drought that had started to disparage the region a month ago. Ridden by hunger, some Boonies had begun eating opossums, which until now was considered an act of blasphemy.

Still charged by the fight, the spectators slowly began leaving the dump as someone shouted, "Fire! There's sumin a burnin ova there!" Off in the distance, a gray pillar of smoke rose into the night sky.



"Sure I root for Mike in the fights! Not only is he the best, he showed that damn opossum muncher who's boss. Serves him dam' right!"
Luca has been speedcore dancing for three days in the purple cave. Like many other ravers in Boonieville.
Mike the 3rd
Mike the 3rd is the No. 1 Dump Fighter. Since oftentimes the 1st prize is some grade A stuff, he usually doesn't get to sleep much.
"I took up fightin in the dump when I was 14. Mike showed me the moves so I can kick anyone's butt who doesn't follow our rules."
Old Russell couldn't believe it when his cousin tore his ear off. A fight over a opossum is nothing new in Boonieville, but among cousins a very rare incident. After all they're family... just like all Boonies.
Teddy always liked playin with fire, so much that his ma moved away from Boonieville with him when he was still a youngin. After she kicked the bucket, he moved back to town and fires have been breaking out ever since.
The amount of metal in Linda's mouth surpasses the amount of debris in outer space. She and her sisters Tammy and Betsy are known as the "Star Gazer Sisters".
"Would I be hangin 'round here if I was shitt'n gold? Surely not, so get out ya nickels and buy yaself a tasty snack, as long as they last!"
"When ya watchin' a dump fight, ya wanna chow down on popcorn, tacos, crackers and the likes! But we've been runnin' out of that, so whacha to do?! I might start serving 'em fried opossum tails! The show must go on!"
Wendy owns the Boonieville weed farm and provides dope for every occasion: From 'whacky tabacky' for a night in the purple cave to 'ecstatic sizzle' for a spicy date at the corn silo. Most call her the "Green Queen".
"This summer has been really hard. The harvest is bad and I can't see no patatas no more! I been gett'n pimples from all that canned food."
Member of the "Star Gazer Sisters".
Bob got his ear torn off good. Doesn't stop him from grinnin' though, coz his belly is filled with nutrious meat.


Two days ago, a colossal fire destroyed the corn silos out of all places. Boonieville's essential food reservoir was reduced to ashes and the smell of popcorn still lingered in the hot desert air. The food crisis had worsened overnight.

The Boonieville youngsters dealt with the tragedy in their own way, namely by partying. A long line formed in front of the Purple Cave. Some of them wanted answers, but most just wanted to forget the tragedy.

"I bet my mother's ass it was Teddy!" exclaimed Chad loudly. Teddy was known for his pyromaniac ways. Perhaps due to his difficult childhood, he was seen more than once setting dead bushes and old tires on fire."No effin' way, man! I heard a redhead was seen leavin' the silos that night, and Teddy ain't got no pigtails!" screeched Tiff while standing in line. A heated discussion about the potential culprit behind the fire arose, but Vance, the bouncer of the Purple Cave, had had enough. "Unless you got proof, I don't wanna hear no speculations goin' round the cave, ya hear me?" Vance bolted, as he let in the now quiet group of Boonies.

The atmosphere that night was special. Of course, the purple mushrooms that gave the cave its name played a part in this, as well as DJ El'Allien's progressive techno set. In lieu of the looming food crisis, the raving crowd felt more connected than ever.

At the bar, Buckley had just downed his fifth Mezcal and worked up enough courage to tell his best friend about two nights ago. "Man, I hate that we always gotta fuck in that dusty silo. Just because her sis's always at home. It gets my tail up! We were skunk-drunk that night, and after shaggin', we smoked one last ciggie and ran back home. Like we always do. But I dunno... I got this feeling, you know. Like... we had a part in all of this, I just can't remember straight."



Teddy always liked playin with fire, so much that his ma moved away from Boonieville with him when he was still a youngin. After she kicked the bucket, he moved back to town and fires have been breaking out ever since.
Liza lives on the corn farm with her parents Patty Sue and Chuck. When the fire broke out, Liza could literally feel the heat wave on her skin.
"Nights at the Purple Cave are usually long and peaceful. Noone causes trouble under my watch. I was just checkin' Luca's pockets when people started throwin around wild accusations about the fire. Ain't nobody got time for that here!"
Patty Sue
"Lordy, lordy, when I saw that dawg come a'runnin, I wet my knickers. Thank god it only got me left ear. It mustof been mad from the fire!"
"All gone... it's all gone. Last year's harvests and now they're all gone! Nothing left but a lousy XL-sized bucket of burnt popcorn..."
"I bet it was one of them twin girls! They smoke like chimneys and one of 'em even set their old trailer on fire by accident! The poor older sister covers up her bald head with a bandana since that day."
Chad likes to run his mouth almost as much as he likes to rave.
"I was helping out the day after the fire when a piece of wood hit my nose and my old glasses broke. Luckily Boonieville's got a first-rate optician who makes those unique specs!"
"I have many, many friends here in Boonieville - the best friends. And despite the constant negative press covfefe, I must say that in Boonieville, we care for each other. That's what it's all about. Caring. Trust me when I say, I care a lot. Nobody cares more than Ronald. In fact, I would give myself an A+."
"I hate eatin' opossums! I HATE IT! But I haven't had a burger in weeks, so what should I do?! Eat tree bark? There's no trees 'round here!"
Bella hasn't had it easy. Since her sister Chastity won the Boonie pageant, she started eating more than she should. Luckily for her, she now has some reserves and won't have to resort to eating opossums like her sis.
Maria is a bad-ass chick. She's part of the local motorcycle club "Saguaro Scorpions" and loves to take her Moto Guzzi V7 for a spin through the desert. At night she's usually seen at the Purple Cave.
DJ El'Alien
This resident techno DJ at the Purple Cave is known for his sick drops.
These twins don't leave their trailer much, unless they run out of cigarettes. They prefer their ciggies like their chicken wings: hot and burnin'! But one night, when Sunny was out getting a new pack'o'sticks, Peach fell asleep with a burning cigarette and lost her hair in the resulting blaze. At least that's what they think'd happened...
Peach lost her hair in a fire and covers up her head with a bandana. She lives with her twin sister Sunny and never leaves the trailer.
Karen the 1st
Karen is Boonieville's accountant. She just found out that most Boonies fake their gas taxes. She sure has something to say about that and is hightailing it to the mayor's office.


Around 4:30 am most Boonies were still asleep. The most resolute ones, however, had gathered at the town square for different reasons.

Pastor Duke stood on one of the last hay bales and addressed his followers in a calm, yet pervasive voice. "Blessed be the Genesis. Let us recall his vision of the Benevolent Opossum and the price it paid for us all." As Boonieville's reverend cleric, Duke often found himself lately having to retell the history of Boonieville, especially now as morale in town was slowly deteriorating.

"Blah, blah, blah! Talk all ya want, brother! People are hungry and your bullshit opossum story ain't feeding no bellies!" Duke paid no attention to Tommy Lee, one of his two brothers.

"When the Genesis and his wife were on the brink of death after their RV had broken down and they had used up their supplies, all hope seemed lost. Yet, in the Genesis' most desperate time of need, the Benevolent Opossum appeared to him in a vision and guided him into the barren desert. It led our Forefather to an oasis and showed him how to forage the desert for food. In one last act of compassionate selflessness, the Opossum sacrificed its flesh. With renewed strength, the Genesis and his wife set up camp in the oasis and soon after, their four children were born. Without the Belevolent Opossum, Boonieville would not exist today!"

You could cut the air with a knife, for everyone knew what was about to happen. The "Oppostals"  were hoping to stop Tommy Lee and his henchmen from blowing the horn for the first official opossum hunt. Since opossums are nocturnal, the "Opossum Eaters" had woken up early.

Standing apart from the crowd, Jane was secretly taking pictures of everyone present. Boonieville's most well-known artist Freeda Kaloo, who was cooking up her next big art project, had delegated Jane to gather clear portrait photos, which she would then turn into pieces of art to sell online. "Stop staring at me with them creepy eyes! I don't need nobody's permission to take pictures!" hissed Jane to Boonieville's shaman Shatasha, who frowned at her. Seconds later, grenades exploded in the distance and everyone held their breath.



Genesis is the forefather of all Boonies. Generations ago he drove off with his trailer and together with his wife laid the foundations of what has now become Boonieville.
Artist Freeda Kaloo's assistant has been busy secretly taking portrait pictures of many Boonies. Since copyright and privacy laws run low in Boonieville, neither Jane nor Freeda care much for anyone's consent. Click, click, click goes her shutter as her pigtails shiver with excitement.
"My counsin Ronald is as confused as a fart in a fan factory. If Boonieville gets any kinder or gentler, it's literally going to cease to exist. I have a great relationship with them opossum eaters, as you mihgt have heard. I just have great respect for them. And they like me. I like them. Huge."
Tommy Lee
Since the onlaught of the dry spell, Tommy Lee has declared himself Boonieville's unrivaled opossum huntsman. More and more Boonies have began to venerate his offbeat methods. "I'm so hungry I could eat the north end of a south-bound opossum." Needless to say, he likes to hunt with grenades. He laughs about his brother Duke and tries to swing his other brother Floyd his way.
As Boonieville's reverend cleric, Duke often finds himself having to retell the history of Boonieville, especially now as Boonieville's morals are slowly deteriorating. "For the Genesis came to seek and save the lost. Our fine land may be now hotter than blue blazes, but don't forget where we began. Remember the Genesis' vision of the benevolent opossum and the price it paid for all of us!"
"There's lotsa ways to eat corn. Corn on pizza, corn in salsa, corn soup, creamy corn soup, grilled corn, corn pudding, corn risotto, corn chowder, corn succotash, corn puree, corn cakes, corn bread, corn relish, corn chow chow, corn oatmeal ..."
Boonieville's shaman Shatasha has a special bond with the Purple Cave. Long before it became popular as night club, she once raved deeper and deeper into the cave. Somewhere between reality and a vivid mushroom trip, she unveiled what she claims to be the arcane arts of the desert. Noone trusts her, except her sister Hulka.
"Hulka is gettin' tired hangin' on that stupid blockchain!" She is Shatasha's down to earth sister.


Freeda Kaloo had just awoken. She tossed and turned all night, running through endless dreams filled with screams and explosions. But when she let in some fresh air that morning and the wind carried the smell of metal and flesh through her window, she wasn't so sure anymore whether it was all just a dream. The tension in Boonieville was slowly becoming unbearable. Where it was once commonplace to see opossums running around and some playing dead in the streets, the few opossums you could see were now actually dead and the rest in hiding.

Was this a reason to be concerned? Not for Freeda. She doesn't give two fucks about the opossum quarrel in town. "Whatevvs!" she exclaimed and made herself a cup'o'joe. Money was to be made and she did not want to waste a single minute. After all, she had a big gallery opening coming up tonight and had the laser light show all set up.

She pulled up the photos that Jane had snapped for her the last couple of days and got to work. She recently found a way to transform photos into paintings in an instant. Was it art? Hell no! Freeda doesn't even consider herself an artist. She just got her hands on a contraption that says something about "neural style" on it and with only a few clicks, Freeda proudly watched glorious artwork appear on her screen. "This for sure looks artsy, so it must be art for all that I know. This's gonna fetch me some good coin!" she muttered to herself and pushed the print button with satisfaction. Minutes later she hung up the portraits of Tina, Jeremy, Billy Joe and Weston in her gallery space overlooking the desert and set the laser lights to full blast.

Meanwhile, more and more concerned Boonies were showing up at the office of Boonieville's Mayor Pat. This morning several Boonies had found threatening letters in their mailboxes. "When I find out who gone done doing this and is blustering my Boonies, I’m gonna tan their hide!" yelled Mayor Pat furiously. For the first time in Boonieville history, Boonie lives were at stake!



Artist Freeda Kaloo's assistant has been busy secretly taking portrait pictures of many Boonies. Since copyright and privacy laws run low in Boonieville, neither Jane nor Freeda care much for anyone's consent. Click, click, click goes her shutter as her pigtails shiver with excitement.
Tina is in love with the painted version of herself. She's been beggin her mama to buy it for her.
Ada sees herself as the funny, good-hearted quirky granny in town. She's usually a little drunk on eggnog by morning and likes to knit socks.
Ever since Jeremy saw Kaloo's painting of him, he thinks the sun comes up just to hear him crow.
"Huh? Haven't left the cave in two days. Still seeing rainbows everywhere. But huh? What's that nasty stench? Smells like metal in the air..."
"I think I've made more dimes than any #nftcollectible in the first 100 days. I've seen this and I've sort of witnessed it - in fact, I've witnessed it twice that I did something great. Soon I'll be makin' millions with them Freeda Kaloo paintings!"
"I fought again with my cousin Virgil (#123) because he won't stop huntin' them opossums! I only been eat'n veggies for ages and he knows how I feel about killin' living creatures. But yeah, after we both ended up with black eyes, we made up again. And Virgil is gonna stop eat'n opossums, he promised me he will this time!"
"Yooo...I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want. I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna...I wanna really, really, really wanna like totally get out of Boonieville. Omg! I'm destined for more than what this dust bowl serves up!"
Freddy is six minutes younger than his brother Maddy. They never got to know their mother and still live with their dad. He tells 'em not to play with fire, but for some reason both Freddy and Maddy are fascinated by the flames.
Maddy scorched his head as a kid when he was playing with fire. Being the older brother, he tends to be a over protective of his younger brother Freddy.
Martha Mae
"Our dear Genesis! I see him every day when I look into that pond to clean my face of the dreadful sins that burden my heavy shoulders. O'Genesis, when will this godforsaken place return to our once beloved and harmonious trailer park we call home?!"
Billy Joe
"Miss Kaloo got my trippy side just right! I been running all over hell's half acre telling Boonieville to visit her gallery."
"Cousin Lem got ma right eye good, but I sure as hell returned the favor. He don't wear no eye-patch though, but I think it looks pretty badass! Harrrr!"
"As the mayor of Boonieville I always have an open ear for my folks. Some call me Patrick, some call me Patricia. You can call me Pat. Love in Boonieville runs free, ya know. Nowadays, however, the former free spirit of our small town is tinted by the havoc that our Boonies are bringing upon themselves!"
Freeda Kaloo
Boonieville's only artist dosen't give a crap about copyright or privacy laws. She doesn't even see herself as an artist, but rather as an entrepreneur. She just calls herself "Artiste" with an "e" because it sells better.
"I may look like I've been through three wars and a goat roping in this painting of me, but I like it."