The Boonies are 333 unique characters, designed in a 60x60 px square and upscaled to 2400x2400 px.
329 are generated from 7 properties with a total of 81 different features.
Combined with internal logic, a total of 51,744,000 Boonies would have been possible!
But what about the remaining 4, you ask? Stick around to find out!
The rarity of each Boonie is displayed in odds of one in a billion. The backgrounds are not included in this calculation. Some of our Boonies simply have lit backdrops!
The rarity level is indicated by the color of the picture frames above as follows:
White: Common (9168 ~ 100)
Green: Uncommon (99 ~ 40)
Blue: Rare (38 ~ 10)
Purple: Epic (9.65 ~ 1.08)
Orange: Legendary (0.92 ~ 0.78)
Yellow: The One and Only (0.13)